About Us
Simply put, Shaka Laka® is the creator of the Solar System’s best lip care and sunscreen products. Doubt it? Try it, love it, crave it, live for it, and enjoy it. Follow us for the ride of your life. We may be based on the mainland in Utah, but we are all about the island style, kickin’ back, and just having fun.
Made in USA on
Da Biggah Island of Utah
Mainland HQ 84037

The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Together with our millions of supporters, the American Cancer Society (ACS) saves lives and creates a world with less cancer and more birthdays by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back.

Heart for Africa is a Christian non-profit 501(c)3 public charity. Working alongside churches and children’s homes in Swaziland, we are providing care and hope for a future for children in this small African nation. Through short term service trips, child sponsorship, and large fund raising programs, we are working to deliver quality care, shelter, food, water, clothing, health care, and education to the orphaned and vulnerable children of Swaziland.

The Keep A Breast Foundation™ is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to help eradicate breast cancer by exposing young people to methods of prevention, early detection and support. Through art events, educational programs and fundraising efforts, we seek to increase breast cancer awareness among young people so they are better equipped to make choices and develop habits that will benefit their long-term health and well-being.

Life Rolls On, a subsidiary of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, is dedicated to improving the quality of life for young people affected by spinal cord injury and utilizes action sports as a platform to inspire infinite possibilities despite paralysis.

The Mauli Ola Foundation exists to introduce surfing as a natural treatment to people with genetic disorders. Since 2007 we have concentrated on the amazing connection between Surfing and Cystic Fibrosis. We have taken nearly 400 CF Patients Surfing at over 40 MOF Surf Experience Days. In 2011 we look to expand our program to help patients affected with Cancer and Alpha 1 Antitypsin.

Surfers Healing was founded by Israel and Danielle Paskowitz. Their son, Isaiah, was diagnosed with autism at age three. Like many autistic children, he often suffered from sensory overload. The ocean was the one place where he seemed to find respite. Seeing the profound impact that surfing had on Isaiah. Israel and Danielle decided they wanted to share this unique therapy with other autistic children.